Boreal Forest


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Herbs & Wildflowers

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Aquatic Plants

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Moss & Lichens

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


This subsection contains a list of shrubs found within the boreal ecoregions of Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Scandinavia & Iceland.

Deciduous Species

Deciduous shrubs as well as evergreen shrubs found in the boreal forest

Boreal Forest Shrubs - Deciduous

Adoxaceae - Moschatel family

Viburnum edule - Mooseberry

From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Viburnum nudum - Wild Raisin

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Viburnum trilobum - Highbush Cranberry

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Viburnum opulus - Guelder Rose

Scandinavian, Russian, & Siberian Taiga. Sakhalin Island, & Okhotk Manchurian Taiga. Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Viburnum rafinesquianum - Downy Arrowwood

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate


Sambucus nigra canadensis - Canadian Elderberry

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Sambucus racemosa - Red Elderberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Sambucus nigra - European Elderberry

Scandinavian, Russian, & West Siberian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa - Pacific Red Elderberry

Cook Inlet, Alaska Penninsula Montane Taiga.

Aquifoliaceae - Holly family


Ilex mucronata - Mountain Holly

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Ilex verticillata - Common Winterberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Anacardiaceae - Sumac family


Rhus aromatica - Fragrant Sumac

Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.

Rhus typhina - Vinegar- tree Sumac

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Sparsely in Scandinavian, & Siberian Taiga.


Toxicodendron radicans - Poison Ivy

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Sparsely in Siberian Taiga.

Betulaceae - Birch family


Alnus alnobetula - Green Alder

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).

Alnus incana - Speckled Alder

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).


Betula glandulosa - American Dwarf Birch

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Sparsely in Scandinavian & Siberian Taiga.

Betula pumila - Bog Birch

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga. Introcuced to European Taiga.


Corylus cornuta - Beaked Hazelnut

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Great Lakes Forets. Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition. Central to Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests.

Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family


Diervilla lonicera - Northern Bush Honeysuckle

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga.


Linnaea borealis - Twinflower

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate

Lonicera canadensis - Fly Honeysuckle

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Central Canadain Sheild Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Lonicera involucrata - Twinberry Honeysuckle

Southern Hudson Bay Taig, & Central Canadian Shield Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Lonicera villosa - Mountain Fly Honeysuckle

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Southern Hudson Bay, Central, Midwestern, & Northern Canadian Shield Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Lonicera caprifolium - Perfoliate Honeysuckle

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian & Russian Taiga.

Lonicera hirsuta - Hairy Honeysuckle

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate


Symphoricarpos albus - Common Snowberry

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake Taiga. Cordillera Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Symphoricarpos occidentalis - Western Snowberry

Northern Cordillera Forests, Northwest Territories Taiga, Muskwa-Slave Lake, Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Cistaceae - Rockrose Family


Hudsonia tomentosa - Beach Heather

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Through the Canadian Shield Taiga up to Muskwa-Slave Lake Forests & Northwest Territories Taiga.

Cornaceae - Dogwood Family


Cornus alternifolia - Alternate-leaf Dogwood

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Cornus sericea - Redosier Dogwood

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga. Introcuced to Eurasian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga. Kamchatka-Kurile, Sakhalin island, & Okhotsk-Manchurian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Elaeagnaceae - Oleaster Family


Elaeagnus angustifolia - Russian Olive

Scandinavian & Russian Taiga. Eastern, & Western Siberian Taiga.
How to Propagate


Shepherdia canadensis - Canada Buffaloberry

From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga.

Ericaceae - Heath Family


Andromeda polifolia - Bog Rosemary

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate


Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).


Cassiope mentensiana - White Mountain Heather

Northern Cordillera Forests. Copper Plateau, & Cook Inlet Taiga.


Chamaedaphne calyculata - Leatherleaf

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).


Chimaphila umbellata - Pipsissewa

Sparsely present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).


Epigaea repens - Trailing Arbutus

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Eastern to Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests.


Empetrum nigrum - Crowberry

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).


Gaultheria hispidula - Creeping Snowberry

From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Gaultheria procumbens - Eastern teaberry

Eastern Canadian, Acadian, Central Candian Shield, & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition.
How to Identify & Propagate


Kalmia angustifolia - Sheep Laurel

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Kalmia polifolia - Pale Bog Laurel

From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake up to Northwest Territories, & Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.


Phyllodoce empetriformis - Pink Mountain Heather

Northern Cordillera, Muskwa Slave-Lake, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Interior Alaska Yukon Lowland, & Northerwest Territories Taiga.


Rhododendron canadense - Rhodora

Newfoundland Highland & Eastern Canadian, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Rhododendron albiflorum - White Rhododedron

Northern Cordillera Forests.

Rhododendron groenlandicum - Labrador Tea

From Newfoundland Highland Forests, through Canadian Shield Taiga, until Interior Alaska Yukon lowland Taiga. Northern Cordillera Forests, Cook Inlet & Alaska Penninsula Montane Taiga. Greenland, Scandinavian, & Sakhalin Island Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate


Vaccinium angustifolium -Lowbush Blueberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian Forests, & Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition. Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Eastern, Central, & Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Vaccinium corymbosum - Highbush Blueberry

Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Vaccinium membranaceum - Mountain Huckleberry

Northern Cordillera, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaska Yukon Lowland Taiga.

Vaccinium myrtillus - European Blueberry

Iceland Boreal Birch Forests. Scandinavian, Russian, & Siberian Taiga. Even Found in Greenland.
How to Identify & Propagate

Vaccinium oxycoccos - Bog Cranberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate

Vaccinium uliginosum - Northern Billberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).

Vaccinium caespitosum - Dwarf Billberry

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, stopping at the Mid-Continental Canadian Forests to reappear further at the Northern Cordillera, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Copper Plateau, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.

Vaccinium macrocarpon - American Cranberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Southern Hudson Bay, Eastern, Central, & Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga.

Vaccinium myrtilloides - Canadian Blueberry

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake & the Northen Cordillera Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Vaccinium ovalifolium - Alaska Blueberry

Northern Cordillera, Yukon Interiror Dry Forests. Alaska Peninsula Montana, Copper Plateau & Cook Inlet Taiga.

Vaccinium parvifolium - Red Huckleberry

Alaska Peninsula Montane, & Cook Inslet Taiga.

Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Lingonberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate

Fabaceae - Legumes Family


Caragana arborescens - Siberian Peashrub

Siberian Taiga, Kamchatka-Kurile Meadows & Sparse Forest. Kamchatka-Kurile, Sakhalin island, & Okhotsk-Manchurian Taiga. Trans-Baikal Conifer Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Grossulariaceae - Currant Family


Ribes americanum - Wild Black Currant

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests..

Ribes hirtellum - American Gooseberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Great Lakes & Acadian Forests. Central & Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga. Mid-Continental Canadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Ribes lacustre - Prickly Black Currant

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West through Muskwa-Slave lake, Northern Cordillera Forests, & the Alaska Yukon Interior Lowland & the Cook Inlet Taiga.

Ribes glandulosum - Skunk Currant

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland & the Cook Inlet Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Ribes hudsonianum - Northern Black Currant

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West through Muskwa-Slave lake, Northern Cordillera Forests, & the Alaska Yukon Interior Lowland & the Cook Inlet Taiga.

Ribes triste - Red Currant

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga. Kamchatka-Kurile, Sakhalin island, & Okhotsk-Manchurian Taiga. Eastern to Northeast Siberian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Myricaceae - Wax Myrtle Family


Myrica pensylvanica - Northern Bayberry

Eastern Canadian & Acadian Forests. South Avalon–Burin Oceanic Barrens.
How to Identify & Propagate

Myrica gale -Sweet Gale

Present in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although sparsely in the Siberian Taig


Comptonia peregrina - Sweetfern

Eastern Canadian Forests. Central Canadian Shield Forests. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Rosaceae - Rose Family


Amelanchier alnifolia - Serviceverry

Interior Alaska Yukon Lowland, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula Montane, Copper Plateau Taiga. Northern Cordillera, Muskwa-Slake Lake, Yukon Interiror Dry Forests. Northwest Terriroties, Northern, & Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga. Appears sparsely in the Eastern Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Amelanchier humilis - Low Serviceverry

Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Amelanchier bartramiana - Mountain Serviceverry

Newfoundland Highland Forests, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Amelanchier sanguinea - Roundleaf serviceberry

Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests.


Aronia melanocarpa - Black Chokeberry

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.


Crataegus douglasii - Black Hawtorn

Cook Inlet Taiga.


Dasiphora fruticosa - Shrubby Cinquefoil

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Eastern Canadian Forests, stopping at the Central Canadian Shield Forests to reappear further at the Northwest Territories, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula Montane, Kamchatka-Kurile, Sakhalin island Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate


Malus baccata - Siberian Crabapple

Sakhalin Island, & Okhotsk-Manchurian Taiga.
How to Propagate


Prunus pensylvanica - Fire Cherry

From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga.

Prunus virginiana - Choke Cherry

From Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian Forests, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests through the Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay Taiga, Midcontinental Canadian Forests, west to Muskwa Slave-Lake.

Prunus tenella - Russian Almond

Scandinavian, Russian, & Western Siberian Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate


Rosa acicularis - Prickly Wild Rose

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate


Rubus arcticus -Stemless Raspberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).

Rubus idaeus - Wild Red Raspberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).

Rubus pubescens - Dewberry

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.
How to Identify & Propagate

Rubus chamaemorus - Cloudberry

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).

Rubus parviflorus - Thimbleberry

Northern Cordillera, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Cook inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.

Rubus spectabilis - Salmonberry

Cook inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.


Sorbus americana - Mountain Ash

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Central, & Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes & Acadian Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Sorbus sitchensis - Sitka Mountain Ash

Cook inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.

Sorbus decora - Showy Mountain Ash

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Central, & Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes & Acadian Forests.

Sorbus scopulina - Western Mountain Ash

Interior Alaska Yukon Lowland, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula Montane, Copper Plateau Taiga. Northern Cordillera Forests.


Spiraea alba - Narrow-Leaved Meadowsweet

Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, Acadian, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests.

Spiraea latifolia - Broad-Leaved Meadowsweet

Newfoundland Highland Forests, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.

Ranunculaceae - Buttercup Family


Clematis occidentalis - Purple Clematis

Eastern Canadian, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian, & Muskwa-Slave Lake Forests.


Coptis trifolia - Threeleaf Goldthread

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, stopping at the Mid-Continental Canadian Forests to reappear further at the Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula Montane, & Sakhalin island Taiga. Even found in Greenland.
How to Identify & Propagate

Rhamnaceae - Buckthorn Family


Rhamnus alnofolia - Alder-leaved Buckthorn

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.

Rhamnus cathartica - European Buckthorn

Scandinavian, Russian, & West Siberian Taiga.

Sapindaceae - Soapberry Family


Acer circinatum - Vine Maple

Copper Plateau & Cook Inlet Taiga.

Acer spicatum - Mountain Maple

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.

Salicaceae - Willow Family


Salix bebbiana - Beaked Willow

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga, West to Interior Alaska Yukon lowland, the Cook Inlet, & Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga.

Salix humilis - Upland Willow

Eastern Forests-Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests.

Salix discolor - Pussy Willow

Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian, & Muskwa-Slave Lake Forests.
How to Identify & Propagate

Saxifragaceae - Saxifrage Family


Saxifraga oppositifolia - Mountain Saxifrage

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).
How to Identify & Propagate

Coniferous Species

Coniferous shrubs species found in the boreal forest

Cupressaceae - Cypress Family


Juniperus communis - Common Juniper

Present in every Boreal Forest. (Holarctic Distribution).

Juniperus horizontalis - Creeping Juniper

From the Newfoundland Highland forests, through the Canadian Shield Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake & Northen Cordillera Forests, & the Northwest Territories Taiga.

Taxaceae - Yew Family


Taxus canadensis - Canada Yew

Newfoundland Highland Forests, Eartern Canadian Forests. Eastern & Central Canadian Shield Forests. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Earstern Forests-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes & Acadian Forests.

The plant distribution data listed see here has been verified through and has been localized using the boreal ecoregions from World Wildlife Fund.