Boreal Forest
Herbs & Wildflowers
This subsection contains a list of Herbs & Wildflowers found within the boreal ecoregions of Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Scandinavia & Iceland.

Herbaceous Species
Perennial herbs & wildflowers species found in the boreal forest
Amaranthaceae - Amaranth Family
Bassia prostrata - Forage Kochia
East Siberian Taiga. Okhotsk Manchurian Taiga.
Bassia scoparia - Burning Bush
Copper Platea Taiga.
Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis Family
Allium canadense - Meadow Garlic
Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga. Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests.
Apiaceae - Umbellifer Family
Carum carvi - Wild Caraway
Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga. Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian, Muskwa Slave Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests. Scandinavian, Russian, & East Siberian Taiga.
Conium maculatum - Poison Hemlock
Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga. Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Scandinavian, & Siberian Taiga.
Cicuta maculata - Water Hemlock
From Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga.
Daucus carota - European Wild Carrot
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests. Scandinavian, Russian, & Siberian Taiga.
Heracleum maximum - American Cow Parsnip
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland, Cook inlet, & Alaksa Penninsula Montane Taiga.
Osmorhiza longistylis - Aniseroot
Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, Midwestern, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga.
Pastinaca sativa - Wild Parsnip
Present in Every Boreal Forest except Northeastern Siberian Taiga, & Kamchatka-Kurile Meadows & Spares Forests.
Apocynaceae - Dogbane Family
Apocynum androsaemifolium - Spreading Dogbane
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie, & Cook inlet Taiga.
Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Scandinavian, & Russian Taiga. Sparsely in Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga.
Araliaceae - Ginseng Family
Aralia nudicaulis - Wild Sasparilla
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga.
Aralia hispida - Bristly Sasparilla
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern, Central, Midwestern, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga. Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
Asparagaceae - Asparagus Family
Maianthemum canadense - Canada Mayflower
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga.
Maianthemum stellatum - Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie, & Cook inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Maianthemum racemosum - Solomon's Plume
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie, & Cook inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Maianthemum trifolium - Three-leaved False Solomon's Seal
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga.
Asteraceae - Daisy Family
Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Ageratina altissima - White Snakeroot
Acadian, Great Lakes, & Boreal Transition Forests. Sparsely in the Canadian Shield & Scandinavian Taiga.
Anaphalis margaritacea -Pearly Everlasting
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Ambrosia artemisiifoli - Common Ragweed
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake up to Northwest Territories, & Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga, & Sparsely in Siberian Taiga.
Arnica cordifolia - Heart-leaved Arnica
From Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Midcontinetal Canadian Forests. Through Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera, up to Northern Canadian Shield Taiga.
Arnica montana - Mountain Arnica
Scandinavian Taiga. East Siberian Taiga.
Arnica mollis - Soft Arnica
Sparsely in the Northern Canadian Shield, & Northwest Territories Taiga. Northern Cordillera, Yukon Interiror Dry Forests, & Cook Inlet Taiga.
Artemisia stelleriana - Dusty Miller
Sparsely in every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Common in the Acadian, Great Lakes, & Eastern Canadian Forests.
Bellis perennis - English Daisy
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Bidens cernua - Nodding Beggarticks
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Cichorium intybus - Chicory
Present in most Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution) except Northwestern Canadian, & American Boreal Forests, & Northeast Siberian, & Kamchatka-Kurile Taiga.
Cirsium arvense - Creeping Thistle
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Cirsium discolor - Field Thistle
Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, Midwestern, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga.
Conyza canadensis - Canadian Fleabane
Present most Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution), except Northeast Siberian Taiga, Kamchatka Kurile, Okhotsk-manchurian, & Sakhalin Island taiga.
Doellingeria umbellata - Flat-top White Aster
Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Eastern Canadian Shield, Southern Hudson Bay, Midwestern, & Northern-Canadian Shield Taiga.
Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Scandinavian Taiga. Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
Erigeron canadensis - Canada Fleabane
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Sparsely in the Siberian Taiga.
Erigeron strigosus - Rough Fleabane
From the Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake & the Northern Cordillera Forests. West Russian Taiga.
Erigeron philadelphicus - Philadelphia Fleabane
From the Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake & the Northern Cordillera Forests. Scandinavian Taiga.
Eupatorium maculatum - Joe Pye Weed
From the Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake. Scandinavian Taiga.
Eurybia macrophylla - Large-leaved Aster
Acadian, Great Lakes, & Boreal Transition Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Eastern, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Eutrochium maculatum - Spotted Joe Pye Weed
Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Boreal Transition Forests. Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Eastern, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga west into Muskwa Slave-Lake & the Northern Cordillera Forests. Scandinavian Taiga.
Gnaphalium uliginosum - Low Cudweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Helenium autumnale - Helenium
Acadian, Great Lakes, Boreal Transition, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests Forests. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Muskwa Slave-Lake & the Northern Cordillera Forests. Scandinavian Taiga.
Helianthus annuus - Common Sunflower
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Lactuca biennis - Tall Blue Lettuce
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Lactuca serriola - Prickly Lettuce
Present in most Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution) except Northwestern Canadian, & American Boreal Forests, & Northeast Siberian, & Kamchatka-Kurile Taiga.
Leucanthemum vulgare - Oxeye Daisy
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Liatris pycnostachya - Prairie Blazing Star
Acadian & Great Lakes Forests.
Matricaria discoidea - Pineappleweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Oclemena nemoralis - Bog Aster
Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Boreal Transition, & Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Packera aurea - Golden Groundsel
Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Boreal Transition, & Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus - Arctic Coltsfoot
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). One of the most Northern Growing Plant.
Pilosella aurantiaca - Orange Hawkweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Pilosella caespitosa - Meadow Hawkweed
Present in most Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution) except Northwestern Canadian, & American Boreal Forests, & Northeast Siberian, & Kamchatka-Kurile Taiga.
Ratibida columnifera - Prairie Coneflower
Acadian, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Midcontinetal Canadian Forests.
Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed Susan
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of Northeast Siberian Taiga, Kamtchakta Kuril, Okhotsk-manchurian, & Sakhalin Island Taiga.
Solidago canadensis - Canada Goldenrod
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of Northeast Siberian Taiga, Kamtchakta Kuril, Okhotsk-manchurian, & Sakhalin Island Taiga.
Solidago uliginosa - Bog Goldenrod
Newfoundland Highland, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Sonchus oleraceus - Common Sow-thistle
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum - Lindley's Aster
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga.
Symphyotrichum puniceum - Purple-stemmed Aster
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga.
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum - White Panicled Aster
From Newfoundland Highland, Acadian & Great Lakes Forests through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territorie Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Tanacetum vulgare - Common Tansy
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Taraxacum officinale - Common Dandelion
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Tripleurospermum inodorum - Scentless Chamomille
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Interior Alaksa Yukon Lowland Taiga. Okhotsk-manchurian, Sakhalin Island, & Scandinavian Taiga.
Tussilago farfara - Coltsfoot
Scandinavian, Russian, & Siberian Taiga. Sakhalin Island, & Okhotsk Manchurian Taiga. Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Forest-Boreal Transition, Great Lakes, & Acadian Forests. Canadian Shield Taiga.
Balsaminaceae - Balsam Family
Impatiens capensis - Spotted Jewelweed
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories. Scandinavian Taiga.
Berberidaceae - Barberry Family
Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Podophyllum peltatum - May Apple
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Boraginaceae - Borage Family
Eritrichium nanum - Alpine Forget-me-not
Northwest Territories Taiga. Northern Cordillera, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests, Copper Plateau, Cook Inlet & Alaska Penninsula Montane Taiga.
Mertensia paniculata - Northern Bluebell
Present in all the North American Boreal Forest.
Mertensia virginica - Virginia Bluebell
Scandinavian Taiga. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga. Acadian, Boreal Transition, & Great Lakes Forests.
Myosotis laxa - Small Forget-me-not
Scandinavian Taiga. Sparsely in Siberian Taiga, & Kamtchatka Kurile Meadows. Eastern, Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield Taiga. Acadian, Boreal Transition, & Great Lakes Forests.
Lithospermum canescens - Hoary Puccoon
Central, Midwestern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
Brassicaceae - Mustard Family
Armoracia rusticana - Horseradish
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of Yukon, and Alaskan Taiga.
Barbarea vulgaris - Bitter Wintercress
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Brassica campestris - Field Mustard
Scandinavian Taiga. Cook Inlet Taiga.
Brassica campestris - Common Shepherd's Purse
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Cardamine bulbosa - Spring Cress
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Cardamine hirsuta - Bittercress
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Cardamine diphylla - Two-Leaved Toothwort
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Cardamine pensylvanica - Pennsylvania Bittercress
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Erysimum cheiranthoides - Wormseed Wallflower
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Campanulaceae - Bellflower Family
Campanula aparinoides - Marsh Bellflower
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, up to Muskwa Slave-Lake Forests. Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Scandinavian Taiga.
Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Lobelia cadinalis - Red Lobelia
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Lobelia kalmii - Kalm's Lobelia
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family
Valeriana officinalis - Common Valerian
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Caryophyllaceae - Carnation Family
Dianthus armeria - Deptford Pink
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Eastern, Central, Northern Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Silene acaulis - Moss Campion
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Silene vulgaris - Bladder Campion
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Stellaria graminea - Grass-leaved Starwort
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Stellaria media - Common Chickweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Celastraceae - Spindle-tree Family
Parnassia glauca - Fen Grass-of-Parnassus
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
Convolvulaceae - Morning-glory Family
Calystegia sepium - Hedge Bindweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Convolvulus arvensis - Field Bindweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of Yukon, & Alaskan Taiga.
Cornaceae - Dogwood Family
Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although sparsely in the Eurasian Taiga.
Ericaceae - Heaths Family
Moneses uniflora - One-flowered Wintergreen
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Monotropa uniflora - Indian Pipe
Present in Every North American Boreal Forests.
Orthilia secunda - One-sided Wintergreen
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Pyrola asarifolia - Pink Pyrola
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Pyrola elliptica - Shinleaf
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Midcontinental Canadian Forests.
Pyrola chlorantha - Green Pyrola
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Fabaceae - Bean Family
Lathyrus ochroleucus - Creamy Peavine
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Lotus corniculatus - Garden Bird's-foot Trefoil
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Lupinus polyphyllus - Large-leaved Lupine
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Melilotus albus - White Sweet-clover
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Vicia americana - American Vetch
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Vicia cracca - Tufted Vetch
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Trifolium aureum - Yellow Clover
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Trifolium pratense - Red Clover
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Trifolium hybridum - Alsike Clover
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Trifolium repens - White Clover
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Gentianaceae - Gentian Family
Gentiana algida - Arctic Gentian
Northwest Territories, Interior Alaska Yukon Lowland Taiga. Northern Cordillera, Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Cook Inlet, Copper Platea, & Alaska Penninsula Montane Taiga. Kamchatka-kurile Meadows, Sakhalin Island, Okhotsk-manchurian, & Northeast Siberian Taiga.
Gentiana linearis - Narrow-leaved Gentian
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Geraniaceae - Geranium Family
Geranium maculatum - Wild Geranium
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Geranium robertianum - Herb-robert
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Hypericaceae - St-John's Wort Family
Hypericum ellipticum - Pale St. John's-wort
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Hypericum virginicum - Virginia St. John's-wort
Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests.
Hypericum perforatum - Common St. John's-wort
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Iridaceae - Iris Family
Iris versicolor - Harlequin Blue Flag
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Sisyrinchium montanum - Strict Blue-eye Grass
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Scandinavian Taiga.
Sisyrinchium mucronatum - Needle-tipped Blue-eyed Grass
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Lamiaceae - Mint Family
Galeopsis tetrahit - Common Hemp-nettle
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Lycopus americanus - American Water-horehound
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Lycopus uniflorus - Northern Water-horehound
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Kamchatka-kurile Meadows, Okhotsk-manchurian, & Sakhalin Island Taiga.
Mentha arvensis - Wild Mint
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Mentha canadensis - Canada Mint
Present in Every Boreal Forest. Although sparsely in the Eurasian Taiga.
Monarda fistulosa - Wild Bergamot
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Prunella vulgaris - Common Self-heal
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Scutellaria galericulata var. pubescens - Marsh Skullcap
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Scutellaria lateriflora - Mad-dog lateriflora
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Cook Inlet Taiga.
Liliaceae - Lily Family
Clintonia borealis - Bluebead
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Erythronium americanum - Trout Lily
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Lilium canadense - Canada Lily
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Smilacina trifolia - Three-leaved Flase Solomon's Seal
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories Taiga.
Streptopus lanceolatus - Rose Twisted-Stalk
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Northern Cordillera Forests. Cook Inlet Taiga.
Loasaceae - Stickleaf Family
Mentzelia laevicaulis - Northern Blazing Star
Northern Cordillera Forests.
Lythraceae - Loosestrife Family
Lythrum salicaria - Purple Loosestrife
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Yukon, & Alaskan Taiga, & the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Melanthiaceae - Bunchflower Family
Trillium cernuum - Nodding Trillium
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Midcontinental Canadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Montiaceae - Miner's Lettuce Family
Claytonia caroliniana - Spring Beauty
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Claytonia sibirica - Siberian Miner's Lettuce
Copper Plateau, Cook Inlet, Alaska Penninsula Montane Taiga. Okhotsk-machurian, & East Siberian. Scandinavian, & Iceland Taiga.
Onagraceae - Evening Primrose Family
Circaea alpina - Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Epilobium angustifolium - Fireweed
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Epilobium ciliatum v. glandulosum - Glandular Willowherb
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although sparsely in Siberian Taiga.
Epilobium coloratum -Purple-veined Willowherb
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Oenothera biennis - Common Evening Primrose
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga and the Yukon, & Alaskan Taiga.
Oenothera pallida - Pale Evening Primrose
Northern Canadian Shield Taiga.
Orchidaceae - Orchid Family
Arethusa bulbosa - Swamp Pink
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Calopogon tuberosus - Tuberous Grass Pink
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Corallorhiza maculata - Spotted Coralroot
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Corallorhiza trifida - Yellow Coralroot
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Cypripedium Acaule - Pink Lady's Slipper
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Cypripedium passerinum - Sparrow's Egg Lady's Slipper
Present in all the North American Boreal Forest.
Cypripedium parviflorum - Yellow Lady's Slipper
Present in all the North American Boreal Forest.
Cypripedium reginae - Pink-and-White Lady's Slipper
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Epipactis helleborine - Broad-leaved Helleborine
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian, & Russian Taiga. West, & East Siberian Taiga.
Goodyera repens - Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Neottia cordata - Heart-leaved Twayblade
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Platanthera obtusata - Blunt-leaved Orchid
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Scandinavian Taiga.
Platanthera orbiculata - Round-leaved Orchid
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Platanthera clavellata - Club-spur Orchid
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Platanthera leucophaea - Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
Very sparsely in the Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Platanthera hyperborea - Leafy Northern Green Orchid
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Sparsely in the Siberian Taiga.
Platanthera psycodes - Small Purple Fringed Orchid
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Pogonia ophioglossoides - Rose Pogonia
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Orobanchaceae - Broomrape Family
Euphrasia nemorosa - Common Eyebright
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests. Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Melampyrum lineare - American Cow-wheat
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests.
Rhinanthus minor - Little Yellow Rattle
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Oxalidaceae - Wood Sorrel Family
Oxalis acetosella - Wood Sorrel
Scandinavian, Russian, Siberian Taiga.
Oxalis montana - Northern Wood Sorrel
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Papaveraceae - Poppy Family
Corydalis sempervirens - Rock Harlequin
Present in all the North American Boreal Forest. Scandinavian Taiga.
Dicentra cucullaria - Dutchman's Breeches
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Phrymaceae - Lopseed Family
Erythranthe glabrata - Round-leaved Monkeyflower
Great Lakes & Central Canadian Shield Forests.
Mimulus ringens - Square-stemmed Monkeyflower
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Plantaginaceae - Plantain Family
Chelone glabra - White Turtlehead
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Digitalis purpurea - Foxglove
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian, & Russian Taiga.
Plantago major - Common Plantain
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Plantago lanceolata - English Plantain
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian Taiga.
Veronica americana - American Speedwell
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Kamtchakta-kurile Meadows, Sakhalin Island, & Okhotsk-manchurian Taiga.
Veronica scutellata - Marsh Speedwell
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although sparsely in the Siberian Taiga.
Polygalaceae - Milkwort Family
Polygala paucifolia - Fringed Polygala
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Polygonaceae - Buckwheat Family
Fallopia cilinodis - Fringed Black Bindweed
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Persicaria hydropiper - Marshpepper Smartweed
Scandinavian, Russian, & West Siberian Taiga. Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Persicaria sagittata - Arrow-leaved Smartweed
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Cook Inlet Taiga. Okhotsk-manchurian Taiga.
Persicaria pensylvanica - Pennsylvania Smartweed
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes, & Midcontinental Canadian Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Polygonum articulatum - Northern Jointweed
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, & Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Cook Inlet Taiga. Okhotsk-manchurian Taiga.
Rumex acetosella - Sheep Sorrel
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Rumex Crispus - Curled Dock
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Primulaceae - Primrose Family
Lysimachia terrestris - Swamp Loosestrife
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Trientalis borealis - Northern Starflower
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories, & Yukon Interior Dry Forests. Scandinavian Taiga.
Ranunculaceae - Buttercup Family
Anemone americana - Round-lobed Hepatica
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Quite rare.
Anemone canadensis - Canada Anemone
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, and up to the Northwest Territories Taiga.
Aquilegia canadensis - Canada Columbine
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Actaea rubra - Red Baneberry
Present in all the North American Boreal Forest. Scandinavian Taiga.
Coptis trifolia - Threeleaf Goldthread
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although scarsely in the Euraisian Taiga.
Ranunculus abortivus - Kidney-leaved Buttercup
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Ranunculus repens - Creeping Buttercup
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Ranunculus acris - Common Buttercup
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Thalictrum pubescens - Tall Meadow-rue
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Rosaceae - Rose Family
Comarum palustre - Marsh Conquefoil
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Fragaria vesca - Woodland Strawberry
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga, and the Alaskan, & Yukon Taiga.
Fragaria virginiana - Common Strawberry
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Scandinavian Taiga.
Filipendula ulmaria - Queen-of-the-meadow
Scandinavian, Russian, West, & East Siberian Taiga. Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Geum aleppicum - Yellow avens
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Geum rivale - Water Avens
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution). Although sparsely in Siberian Taiga.
Geum macrophyllum - Large-leaved Avens
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga, and the Alaskan, & Yukon Taiga.
Potentilla norvegica - Rough Cinquefoil
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Sanguisorba canadensis - Canadian Burnet
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Northern Cordillera, Copper Plateau, Alaska Penninsula Montane, & Cook Inlet Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Sibbaldia tridentata - Three-toothed Cinquefoil
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Rubiaceae - Madder Family
Galium asprellum - Rough Bedstraw
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Galium mollugo - Smooth Bedstraw
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, Alaskan, & Yukon Taiga.
Galium boreale - Northern Bedstraw
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Galium triflorum - Fragrant Bedstraw
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian Taiga.
Santalaceae - Sandalwood Family
Geocaulon lividum - Northern Comandra
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Saxifragaceae - Saxifrage Family
Mitella nuda - Naked Mitrewort
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest. Sparsely in the Scandinavian, & Siberian Taiga.
Saxifraga oppositifolia - Purple Mountain Saxifrage
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Scophulariaceae - Figwort Family
Verbascum thapsus - Common Mullein
Present in Every Boreal Forest with the exception of the Eastern Siberian, & Islands Taiga.
Solanaceae - Nightshade Family
Solanum carolinense - Horse Nettle
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
Urticaceae - Nettle Family
Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle
Present in Every Boreal Forest (Holarctic Distribution).
Urtica dioica subsp. gracilis - Slender Stinging Nettle
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Violaceae - Violet Family
Viola macloskeyi - Small White Violet
From Newfoundland Highland through the Canadian Shield, Muskwa Slave-Lake, Northern Cordillera Forests up to Northwest Territories Taiga.
Viola renifolia - Kidney-leaved Violet
Present in Every North American Boreal Forest.
Viola pubescens - Downy Yellow Violet
Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga.
Viola septentrionalis - Northern Woodland Violet
Newfoundland Highland, Eastern Canadian, Boreal Transition, Acadian, Great Lakes Forests. Canadian Shield, & Southern Hudson Bay Taiga. Scandinavian Taiga.
The plant distribution data listed see here has been verified through and has been localized using the boreal ecoregions from World Wildlife Fund.