Non-Timber Forest Products

Where You Turn Sustainable Foraging Into Income

What You Need

Going foraging into the forest shouldn’t be taken lightly, you might end up being surprised by the elements or wild animals or maybe even get lost. It’s crucial to be well prepared before you go off into the woods, here is a list of things you should bring to make your life easier:

  • Good outdoor jacket, including waterproof boots, gloves, and a hat
  • A backpack with a survival kit
  • Some snacks and a water bottle
  • A basket, a linen sack, and some small glass jars
  • A sickle, a small gardening hoe/fork, and a small hatchet
  • Multitool knife
  • A good companion, bring your dog or friend along with you
  • A bear bell and bear spray
  • Maps & compass and Gps with battery packs to charge your electronics.
  • I also recommend using a good book or app identify the plants you’re looking at. (crucial to avoid poisoning)


Harvesting Wild Mushrooms

Natural Oils

Natural Essential Oils

Medicinal Plants

Forage For Medicinal Herbs




Tree Resin Wild Forest Product


Harvesting Forest Fibers



Tree Nuts

Walnuts – Juglans sp. Non-Timber Forest Product


Wild Spices Non-Timber-Forest Product

Honey & Beeswax

Honey Beeswax Non Timber Forest Product


Wild Seeds Forest product

Forest Tea

Foraging For Forest Tea